Seattle Kids Yoga Teachers are available for a variety of yoga camps, workshops and special events.
Contact us to learn more!
“ivivva University Village has collaborated with Nicole on two 100+ girls Yoga events. Nicole is seriously the best! Her passion for bringing Yoga to kids exudes through the practice she teaches and how she shares her love of empowering the community.”
Notable Past Special Events:
International Yoga Day Event with ivivva
ivivva Coast to Coast Summer Festival, July 2016
ivivva Dream Big Goal Bigger, August 2015
Camp Goodtimes, 2011 - present
Music and Yoga Summer Camps with Stuart Zobel, 2010 - 2011
Kids Yoga Summer Camps in Seattle, 2008 - 2010
“Nicole’s communication, love, passion and FUN have inspired many in our community to not only fall in love with Yoga but to feel empowered, strong and connected. We love Nicole!”